Home Again

Quick update. We’re home.

And not a moment too soon. We discovered the sin of the Panera chocolate pastry Monday, thanks to Heidi. I was consuming two a day by Tuesday at 490 calories a pop. We had to get out of there, if only to save our waist line.

Regardless, we are glad to be home. The earliest we were expected to leave was three days post-surgery. Claire took up the challenge and shot for two and half days. When she heard the average stay was 5-7 days, we should have known she would have her heart set on setting a new record.

Now the recovery begins in earnest. We are cycling her pain meds and Claire is back up to full strength g-tube feeds. She’s a little champion.

Our little champion.

10 thoughts on “Home Again”

  1. Thank you so much for the update! Continued prayers for Claire and the rest of your family! You are an amazing family and think about ya’ll often.

  2. I’m thankful for this tiny glimpse into your lives. Thank you for sharing; I marvel at the depths of your love and bravery, and the Light that shines from you all. And thankful especially for Claire’s successful surgery and what that will mean for her. So much love to you and your family.

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